Changes to the maternity triage service and Early Pregnancy Unit | News and events

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Changes to the maternity triage service and Early Pregnancy Unit

From tomorrow (Wednesday 1 May) the maternity triage service will be available for women and birthing people from 16 weeks of pregnancy up until 28 days after the birth of their baby and who have pregnancy related concerns.

This was previously only available for women and birthing people who were more than 22 weeks pregnant up until 14 days after the birth of their baby.

Our specialist team of midwives are on hand to provide expert care and offer advice 24 hours a day, seven days per week, both at the maternity triage unit and via the telephone helpline. We aim to see people within 15 minutes of arrival for an initial review and assessment. Read more about the maternity triage service >

It’s so important that women and birthing people with pregnancy related concerns such as abdominal pain, leaking of fluid, or changes in their baby’s movements, can seek the appropriate advice and follow up care as soon as possible.

Women and birthing people who are below 15 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy will be seen in our Early Pregnancy Unit. This was previously available for women and birthing people up until 22 weeks of pregnancy.

Contact and location details

Maternity triage service contact details
01279 82 7286

We recommend that women and birthing people contact the maternity triage helpline before attending the hospital, so that our team can advise accordingly.

Maternity triage service location
The maternity triage service can be found on the lower ground floor, blue zone, location A40.

Early Pregnancy Unit contact details

Early Pregnancy Unit location
The Early Pregnancy Unit can be found on the lower ground floor, blue zone, location A46.

Inpatient comment:

Everyone offered words of such reassurance and kindness. I felt so cared for and the communication with me at all times was fantastic.

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